Monday, October 4, 2010

Candy Apple Madness!

This weekend was glorious, the weather was cool and crisp - fall finally arrived! I wanted to celebrate in a festive way but still stay true to being the Frugal Franny that I am. So what better way to celebrate fall in an inexpensive way then to make candy apples! I got the idea while breezing through Walmart Friday afternoon - while trying to beat the afternoon Walmart craziness rush! Since making candy apples consists of 2 ingredients, I was golden! I snapped up caramel candies and honeycrisp apples (the absolute best apples) and Baby Boy and I were on our way.




You simply melt the caramel with 2 teaspoons of water and dip your apples.

I had skewers and the ribbon so that was free! I love free.

There you have it, candy (or candied whatever you prefer) apples. I only spent $5.00 on everything. It was such a simple activity but it was great time spent together as a family - Daddy even got in on the fun!

Oh and Daddy had a fab idea for the leftover caramel -

I think I might be turning the whole family into Frugal Frannies!


  1. Oh my gosh these look amazing!! And I really want some caramel on ice cream now. Yum!

  2. Isn't this weather simply amazing! I can't believe this sudden cold snap that has graced us with its presence! I love Autumn and I LOVE caramel apples so I'm going to be stealing your recipe for next Sunday's after church lunch! MMMM!

  3. Caramel oh caramel how I love thee! We went apple picking this weekend and I ate two caramel apples. They are simply divine.

  4. I found your blog thru Picket Fences and am now a Happy Follower via GFC :)

    This Frugal family also luvs caramel apples and I had to *giggle* at your comment..

    I think I might be turning the whole family into Frugal Frannies!
