Wednesday, August 11, 2010

In the beginning...

So I created my super cute Mommy blog. I've been blankly staring at 'No Posts' for over a week now. I'm terribly nervous yet anxious all at the same time to get this process started. So today is the official start of my journey from full time working Momma to super happy, fun, crafty, love myself stay-at-home Momma! YAY!

I've been pondering this dream for a while now. I have been married to my soul mate for 8 years (wow!) and we have an 18 month old baby boy with ridiculously gorgeous blue eyes. I have always worked full time. I have a Bachelors degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and that's okay but for sometime now I've been wanting more. I went back to school and got my real estate license thinking that I was going to conquer the world, but it just wasn't there. My job is good, I don't dread work, I just long to be home with my child - playing with him, teaching him things, making dinner for Daddy, doing projects around the house. So for sometime now I've been searching for my passion. What is going to make my happy. I want to create a life that is full of happiness, love and quality time spent together for my family. I don't want to work forever to pay for frivolous things that in the end don't matter.

I had - as much as I loathe this phrase - my 'ah-ha' moment: I want to be a stay-at-home Mommy!

I want to be the CEO of our cozy little home. I talked with my husband and he fully supports my decision and we both couldn't be happier. Now the hard part....we use nearly every dollar I make on a monthly basis so how on earth am I going to be able to make this dream a reality? We realized we're going to have to make some serious changes. We're going to cut back, cut unnecessary things out, make things stretch, and I'm going to try and find other avenues for income other than a typical 8-5 job. I have made the commitment that I don't want to be a slave to my job and bills and I'm going to make the necessary changes so that I don't have to be. I'm going to try it all on this journey and I'm going to share it all. I know I can succeed at this and I want to shout it from the mountain tops so that other moms can do the same.

Let's go....


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! You are going to love it! I have made so many awesome friends this way. Next, you need to create a twitter account so we can talk there too! You can check out my post on 5 websites that will change your life to get info on why i love twitter so much. Also- if you ever want a new look for your blog I do blog designs!

  2. Welcome to life as a stay-at-home-blogging-mommy! It's really a great life!

    Congratulations! and thanks for visiting me.

  3. Welcome to blogging land! Thanks for stopping by! Your blog is precious :)

  4. Welcome blogging mama! I too just started blogging. Found it to be the one "me" thing that no one can interrupt!

    Look forward to reading more.

  5. Well its very comforting to read about another mommy who wants what I got...and go crazy over! I am a stay at home mom, that never planned to be one...good luck! I am new to blogging as well maybe we can help each other out learning this bloggly blog world...I'll send you links and tips and vise versa!
    ~power to us mommas
